Our democracy relies on dedicated election workers who ensure smooth, accessible, and secure voting experiences. As the Ohio House begins its work on the main operating budget, it's crucial that Boards of Elections receive maximum funding to adequately support these essential workers
.Why is this important?
Take one minute today to urge your Ohio House representative and the members of the Ohio House Finance Committee to fully fund our Boards of Elections and support the heroes of our democracy.
Thank you for standing up for Ohio's election workers!
Thank you for taking the time to act! Right now, there are no General Assembly members associated with your address. This could mean you are not an Ohio resident, or that you have newly elected members in both the Ohio House and Ohio Senate, which has not yet updated their new member contacts. If it is the latter, please try again in a few days. Please reach out to Elisabeth Warner with any questions at ewarner@lwvohio.org.
Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to stand up for voting rights!
Want to keep going? Call your Ohio House member to let them know you support Ohio's election workers. Go here to find your Ohio House member.
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